Network for the Missiological Study of Global Movements to Christ
A Collaboration Between Mission Agencies, Movement Practitioners, and Academic Research Centers
The Motus Dei Network
The Motus Dei Network exists to build authentic relationships and coordinate scholarly research on global discipleship movements in order to promote quality missiology and effective missional praxis for the Church among all nations.
'Movement of God'
Motus Dei (Latin for ‘movement of God’) is a network for the missiological study of discipleship movements. We aim to connect researchers, theologians, and mission leaders – men and women, from the Global North and the Global South – in order to build harmonious relationships and to facilitate a strategic discussion around the current discipleship movement phenomenon.
Motus Dei is not primarily intended to be a group for training or prayer mobilization, but rather an informal, trust-based network which shares and discusses strategic research on global movements to Christ.
Aims of Motus Dei
We aim to:
foster quality research on movements, both qualitative and quantitative in nature
edify and empower apostolic-type ministers working on the ground in frontier contexts
constructively critique and mature the evangelical missiological discourse on discipleship movements
investigate how biblical discipleship movements lead to human flourishing and the holistic transformation of lives and communities
form groups for the publication of training materials and tools that edify the Church and the global missions community
Endorsements for Motus Dei
“The Motus Dei network represents a crucial new stage in our understanding of how God is at work in our world. This is the Body of Christ learning from the Body of Christ how to more effectively pursue the mission of God!”
David Garrison – Missionary, Author of Church Planting Movements and executive director of Global Gates
“The Motus Dei Network is a unique forum where diverse movement leaders, frontline practitioners, and academic researchers meet to reflect together on Christ-centered movements throughout the world today. Here serious research is joined with biblical-missiological reflection to discern God’s work and identify best practices to advance such movements in our time.”
Craig Ott, PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“The growth of movement focused outreach calls for similar growth in movement focused missiology. Motus Dei is filling that need, providing a much needed forum for research and reflection on movement practices and theology. Church planting movements are not a passing fad. I am glad that there is at least one network that is focused on understanding them better.”
Ted Esler, PhD, President, Missio Nexus
“It’s a great honor for me to endorse this network that will serve as a key research and learning hub for all of us who seek to understand the best mission theologies and implement the best mission practices for kingdom movements to be done effectively and sustainably among the lost and the least in our globalized and digitalized post-pandemic world.”
David S. Lim, Ph.D., President/CEO, ASDECS, President, CMI-Phil., Board chair, Lausanne Phil.